Saturday, February 22, 2020

Trying to understand the bernie supporter

Please help me understand the cult of Bernie Sanders.  First, let me say that I’ll gladly vote for him if he becomes the nominee.  But these are some things that trouble and confuse me:
1.  It feels like the Bernie culture is a little rabid, you’re either a supporter or an idiot and lacking either ideals or information.  I don't like conversations that goes that way.
I consider myself a lefty/progressive, if that’s the term for people who believe that the role of government should be to help to level the playing field, create opportunity and fairness for people born into less privilege than some of us, protect natural resources, take care of the weakest among us, work to solve some of the most challenging problems of the day, offer a framework for civilized debate, and maintain an unbiased, fair legal system.  If that's what left is, yeah, count me in.  I want to pay taxes to support all of that.  (I don't want to pay taxes for the stupid new fire station that cut all the trees down but that's not the topic, people!). But I don’t understand the Bernie Culture -- supporters imply that he is the only path, in the manner of other religions or cults.

2.  The Bernie fans seem to be -- and please know that I’m not trying to lob accusations, but merely to understand – almost as blind to his weaknesses as the trump supporters are blind to trump.  (I'm not saying their weaknesses are measured on the same scale -- one's a corrupt narcissist out for his own gain, and Bernie is none of those things. But Bernie is not the messiah.).  

While I hear debate and discourse about other candidates, there seems to be a closed-mindedness by Bernie fans.  If you aren't for him, you're wrong.  In particular, the question, “but is he electable?” seems to be taken as an indicator of lack of integrity on the part of the asker.  "Of course he’s not going to get elected if you’re too chicken to vote for him!"  

But I think its a valid question.  There is a monster in the white house, and we need to throw everything we’ve got at getting him out, and be strategic about it.  Sometimes, when you’re sick you get to be a purist and use sleep and natural remedies to get well, but sometimes you need chemotherapy or surgery.  Those aren’t anyone’s first choice, but when you’re fighting something awful, you don’t always get to do it in the most pure way.  Is that wrong?  Is someone who could capture the vote of people in Florida and Pennsylvania, who's not a corrupt self-serving monster, so bad?  

3.  I’m a fan of most of the positions that Bernie supports.  I’d love to see health care for all; I’d love to see more equality in the distribution of wealth.  I don't understand why those positions are considered radical left. But, his positions are seen as a huge swing, way over to the left from the center mark, and my instinct is that putting him in the White House won't heal the country, and that's what we need now.  We need someone who seems normal and in charge and can help restore order.  I think there is more than one candidate who could do that.

I get anxious and horrified and feel disenfranchised when the pendulum has swung so far to the right – and I don’t think electing someone who will create that kind of anxiety on the other side is the way to move forward.  We have a disrupter in the white house now – someone who’s positions are extreme, someone who wants to tear it all down, someone who has an us/them view of the world.  It’s not helping, and I tend to think the white house isn’t the place for disrupters.  Disrupters are important and do a lot of good (or bad!) in the world, and create movements that push the dial.  And I get it, we on the left see the anxiety on the right as misplaced.  No one is really coming for anyone's guns or jobs, healthcare for all would help everyone, blah blah blah.  But if someone enters the white house who is viewed by the majority of Americans as not representing their beliefs, will he be able to get anything done?  

4.  Is an 80 year old white man with heart disease really the best candidate? 

5.  Is this McGovern all over again?  My sisters and I had a lemonade/brownie stand and sent the money to McGovern; I think it was $11 or maybe $14.  Nixon loved having McGovern as an opponent.  Trump would love having Bernie as an opponent.  If I were to do it again, I wouldn't pair brownies with lemonade, but that's besides the point.

6.  Is it heresy to ask these questions?

Ok, I'm listening.  I have a few weeks before I mail my ballot.  Bernie will likely win Washington no matter how I vote, but still....


  1. I don't get it either. But I surely do know a lot of people who are superglued to the Bernie train. Above all else, I worry about his age and health. I've stated this in FB comments and people are just like, "Well, he'll have a great running mate and cabinet so it'll be okay!" No. That's not how it works. As to "electable"- was Trump electable? No one thought he was and yet, here we are.

    1. Yeah, I feel like 80 is a little bit old to be the leader of the free world. And all of the other stuff. But yeah, here we are. I wish we would all row together.

  2. The Bernie Bros are just that ugh. Also all this Russia business that came to light this week that Bernie knew about a month ago? I am voting for Warren but hadn’t decided to until this last debate. And I will vote for whomever wins the spot vote blue no matter what. Bloomberg is scary but is he evil? I think the man in the wh is evil. I really feel that big wheel of life turning right now yikes wheel slow down okay?

    1. I just learned that Bernie Bro is a pejorative term so I plan to stop using it. I think I'll prob vote for Warren too. And yes, blue no matter who. I hope I don't have to vote for Bloomberg but he's better than the guy who lives in the WH now. Nice to hear from you.

  3. I am so conflicted. Bloomberg did some really bad things, said some really bad things. Can we forgive him those things? My first choice was yet another old white guy, but Biden is just not coming across well. I don't know if it's because he's old or tired. However, I can NOT listen to Sanders for more than 15 minutes, so that does not bode well for me if he's elected. I suppose I'm voting for Warren, but I don't think she has a snowball's chance. We're doomed, we're going to get another four years of that awful man we have now.

    1. I hear you. I suppose I'll vote for Warren too. I hope we aren't as doomed as you fear.

    2. I like Warren and Klobuchar. Warren is passionate, debates fiercely, and has solid well-researched plans, but may not connect well enough with many on the fence and may
      project enough warmth, compassion, empathy, diplomacy, and tact. Klobuchar is more pragmatic, equally liberal, and has an amazing record of sponsoring and passing legislation in the Senate through her ability to work across the aisle. I'm leaning Klobuchar. I think I'd any having any and all of the Dem candidates over for dinner and no matter what I'm voting blue.

  4. Totally agree with the points about Sanders above. My teenager is 100% for Bernie and embodies a lot of the rabidness being described. In terms of who I think would actually be best for the country, I'd have to say Klobuchar. Sensible, centrist, responsible, and not in her seventies! (Sorry, Warren) I know Bernie has the momentum, but why vote if not for what I think is right?

    1. I agree. I'm just wishing we could all talk civilly to one another and agree to do it one way the way the higher social insects do, like the ants.

  5. I've read that Bernie has a lot of support from young folks who want the "benefits of socialism that their parents enjoy" whatever that means. I would add that our son (who has always followed American politics more than our own in Canada) believes in what Bernie's doing. Next time he's here I'll have to get him to elaborate. That won't answer your question in a timely way, but it might satisfy my own curiosity!

    I don't understand why Elizabeth Warren isn't doing better in the numbers. She is articulate, a great speaker, has a great platform, is personable . . . I don't understand.

    1. I agree about Warren, though some say she's not personable. Which is kind of hilarious given what we've got -- the least personable being we know of.

  6. I have all the same concerns about Bernie that you do. It's so obvious that, like Trump, Bernie talks at people with same repetitive and ranting style as Trump. The issue about receiving help from Russia was pure genius on Putin's part. Now Trump can do the same thing he does to everyone he opposes - accuse Bernie of the same thing he is guilty of - and it will be successful in getting him into office again. Independants and republicans who are on the fence about Trump see that the democratic nominee is also being controlled (although perhaps in a different way) like Trump, then independants may not vote at all and the republicans will go for Trump.
    For awhile I thought Warren had no chance, but after seeing her in last debate I saw she could stand up to all of them with grace, strength, and truth. I think that's something that people are looking for; and I will vote blue, no matter who. But it still feels like crap shoot at this point - I so wish this crazy ride to the bottom would stop.
    I know we'll never go back to 'normal'. And who would want to go back to that given the corrupt that has been rampant on both sides of the aisle (although definitely not at similar levels). The only good thing that can come of all this that everyone in the country is engaged in politics in some way and, hopefully, that will bring the results that are actually good for the people of the country and not just the bank accounts of a few.

    1. Yes, I agree. I'm determined to remain hopeful about this election. Large voter turnout could change the game. And maybe Bernie could deliver that? If he becomes the candidate, let's hope so. And let's hope that people are hip to Trumps games by now.

  7. You have done a nice job in clarify my confusion with this post. I had two candidates that I liked, but both have now dropped out, so I am leaning to Warren but more because I think she has earned it. Would we all vote if Bernie had her as a VP?


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