Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Horoscope in Pictures

These are a few pics from the desert.  I don't have a real camera, just an iPhone, and it was so bright that I couldn't really see, I'd just aim the phone and hope it captured some of it.  I guess the way I'm living the rest of my life.  Can't really see, just hope I get some of it right. Thanks for bearing with me.  Route talk.

Aries (3/21 – 4/19):  

A gorgeous house made out of bottles in 1906 by an old (drunk?)
man in the ghost town of Rhyolite, NV.  Aries, begin gathering bottles.

Taurus (4/20 – 5/20):  
Does this seem like your life?  Kind of gorgeous, but sort of missing a
piece, but quite possibly, that's where the beauty lies, Taurus?

Gemini (5/21 – 6/21)
Gemini, I think you can fly!!  (Be careful.  Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about.)

Cancer (6/22 – 7/21) 

Cancer, sometimes everything is just a little off.  Like, maybe,
instead of skin, you've got a blanket-like plaster covering?  Or worse, you don't, and
everyone else does.  See if you can peel off blankets just a little bit.
 Oh, and pump the tires.  (The sky really was that color.  I think.)

Leo (7/23 – 8/22):  
Sometimes life is a weird mix of dusty artifacts, bones,
dead things, and hope.  Leo, focus on the hope.

Virgo (8/23 – 9/22):  
Be careful.  Weird stuff is happening on the planet.  Secrets, mysteries, and areas that we know
nothing about.  51 is just the beginning.  Area 52 is the pink building to the right, a brothel.
Not to digress from all the hopey changey horoscopish stuff,
but one of the saddest things about Nevada is all of the sorry looking brothels.   I just picture
women sitting in these trailers in the desert with big signs, like "BAD SUE BROTHEL", waiting
for someone to come pay to have sex with them.  Ugh.  Lose lose.  

Libra (9/23 – 10/22):   
The last supper, Albert Szukalski.   You will not have your last supper
this week, Libra.  But slow down and enjoy, as if it were.
(Sheesh, I've gotten preachy.)

Scorpio (10/23 – 11/21): 
I couldn't resist.  One of my pollinator drawings.
They look better all reduced like this.  In real?  Pretty wonky.

Sagittarius (11/22 – 12/21):  
Sag, enjoy the week.  Nap and be merry.

Capricorn (12/22 – 1/19)
Sometimes things are so beautiful and mysterious you can't really
tell if you're on this planet or another.  And so it is, Cap.

Aquarius (1/20 – 2/18):  
M. hiding in a cave out of the sun in some weird formations near Beatty.
Don't hide out in a cave, Aquarius!  Hang out more with the humans, especially me!

Pisces (2/19 – 3/20) 

Little Ubuhebe Crater. Is that the coolest name ever?
Pisces, everything's looking up.  Crater already happened.


  1. Wow, what intriguing photos! I want to go there now.

    1. Why thank you! It's good to go to the sun once in a while...

  2. Best photo horoscopes ever! Thanks for letting my see the desert through your discerning eyes. I like Taurus and Capricorn best, visually. And why was I worried about spiders for Aquarius? Monkey brain?
    Did your trip give you wanderlust or have you chanting there's no place like home? Your photos made me crave heat, dry air and impossibly blue skies. :)

    1. Thanks Mel! Oh, how I wish I'd seen a tarantula and could have added it for Aquarius....
      Hmm, I'm always pretty happy to get home. I guess I'm not a wander-luster.

  3. BETSY! Dang girl.
    I clicked on every picture so I could see what your eyes saw. Or didn't see. Tried to see. Beautiful, every picture. And you are an artist. And your mind works in a way that delights my soul. "Crater already happened."
    Thank you for being here and you and all that stuff. So much.

    1. Aw, thank you! Thank you for stumbling through the bleak winter with me.

  4. Once you get Twitter figgered out, you ought to conquer Instagram.

    1. Sheesh. Is that a throwdown? (Sure, I could follow you in I-gram if I figure it out.)

  5. You were right, it's beautiful. And interesting. Thank you for the tour!

    (I'm not sure I could take the heat, though. Literally.)

    1. The beauty of the internet! You don't have to actually change climate to see the desert.

  6. The crater already happened!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!


  7. Oh maaaannnn. I discovered you and decided to read from the beginning, which I have done, and now I am up to where I decided to go back to the beginning, so I have read your whole blog, which I LOVE. Can you write a couple of times a day now so I have lots to read each day? Thank you so much!!!

  8. Ooops. I linked to your post about the cremation jewelry and forgot to tell you. Sorry!


Goodbye, Jasmine

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