Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I'll be back. . .

I've been busy creating this, and other tasks related to commanding the wolf to step back a few feet from the door.

But I do want to invite all of you to a special storytelling workshop this Sunday from 2:30 - 4:30 at the Woodinville Unitarian Universalist Church.  It's going to be really fun, and we'll learn more about telling stories and coaching the stories out of our loved ones, and it's free, and Jeannie Yandel will be leading it.

AND, I plan to make brownies, which will also be free, and with any luck, some of the Tent City residents will join us and we'll have a chance to hear some really interesting stuff.

Please come if you can.


  1. Ooo, you're website is beautiful and you're so SMART! What a great idea!

  2. Looking good! I hope you get lots of work - all you can handle.

    And I really wish I lived in your region and could attend the storytelling workshop. Alas, I do not. Have a good time!

  3. Nice Website! Love it! Good luck in your endeavor...!! Good idea!

    Would love to go to the seminar... but have family visiting. It's just up my alley...

  4. Oh, gosh, yes, GORGEOUS website! (Want work fixing mine?? Ha.) Kudos!

  5. Exquisite website! Just beautiful. It makes me want to go buy a wet land. Kidding just kidding. Seriously though, it is beautifully and professionally rendered. Rendered, I like that word.

  6. Best of luck with the new venture. Your website rocks.
    If I were anywhere near, I'd be at the seminar. Jealous, I am. If you saw my collection of books about writing and collecting stories and memories, you'd really know.

    Hope that wolf finds new territory, or gets eaten by a bear.


Goodbye, Jasmine

Jasmine Cavendish Palmer, 9/1/15 – 11/26/24 , was a beautiful yellow lab with white markings behind her shoulders and a pink nose.  She beca...