Friday, November 9, 2012

No Scopes

I wrote a bunch of horoscopes, sheesh, slowly yanking each one out of my foggy brain, and I even liked a few.  I might have gotten as far as Capricorn. And then poof, one accidental “select all” followed by blogger’s incessant autosave, and it’s all gone.

I can’t remember what they were about, but I got up really early to write, and it’s dark and cold and beautiful around here, so I guess I'll just be happy that this little mishap prompted me to go stand outside in the dark and see that sliver of a moon that was so sweet and not very lurky.

Cake Boss loves the moon. It’s almost like the third person in her marriage -- she wants to move to where she can be closer to it, see it more often with less hassle, spend evenings with it.  I have mixed feelings.  The moon is amazing, but can also be a little lurky sometimes, especially when it’s that just past full phase, waning gibbous, I guess you call it.  But this morning, the air was crisp and cold and dark and starry and the moon was perfect.

I spent a little while trying to reconstruct the horoscopes, and then I was like, really?  Is this how you plan to spend your little bit of time on the planet?


  1. Well it better be. I rely on those.

    I guess at least we can get a good idea what YOUR horoscope should be.

    I keep a voice recorder by my bed in case I come up with a really good line. Unfortunately, I do not reliably find the right button in the dark. I record, I erase. It's a lot like life, I guess.

    1. Yeah, exactly like life. And sure, bring it on... What's my horoscope?

  2. I suppose we could write our own.

  3. You made the right choice. Sometimes standing in the moonlight or staring at the sky on a crisp night is the best possible use of our time.

    1. This, Mel, is why you're my imaginary friend. Using time wisely. I think we have that in common. :-)

  4. You wrote them one expects you to write them twice. Moon gazing trumps blogging every time.

  5. Nice example of actually living inside a Mary Oliver poem. =)

  6. The only times I even think about the moon are in terms of driving at night; it's so much easier (as I age) to have the extra light of a full moon :)

    No, by golly, on the last question. Just no. If it's fun, fine, but otherwise, no!

  7. Oh, the cursed autosave. I know whereof ye speak.

  8. Ha! I hate when reason kicks in. Stupid reason.


Horoscopes: The boycott edition.

Aries (3/21 - 4/19) :  In case you've been hiding under your bed with your hands over your ears, I peeked out for a minute, and here...