Saturday, September 22, 2012

Portal Mystery

There was a sign on the portal for a few days, but this morning, poof, it was gone!  Some people say that it got sucked in, and will appear in a news article in 1864 if I look, or maybe an article in 2057 if I look ahead.  Others say that perhaps the time travellers needed to keep the note handy to refer to as they try to figure out this new town.  Either way, I hope they're doing okay.  Someone, and I'm not naming any names, but someone may have to replace the sign.


  1. This is the sort of thing that restores my faith in humanity.

    1. Yay! I hope this note didn't get sucked into a place where it doesn't apply, though. What if they come out in Madrid in 1832 and read this note?

  2. Who says we need expensive toys to amuse ourselves...look how much fun you're having with a tree and a pair of shoes.

    1. Throw in a math book and I'm good for as far as the eyes can see!

  3. Delightful :)

    S/he is probably in the coffee shop right now, reading a borrowed book from the new library and thinking how lucky s/he is to have found a welcome committee.

    Love Delores' comment.

    1. Oh, I hope so. I keep looking around for people without shoes, but so far, no one. Agreed on Delores' comment. Hope all is well in NS.

  4. This whole situation just CHARMS me. To pieces.

  5. Duvall is not what it appears. They have a nice thrift shop though. So be careful, K?


Horoscopes: The boycott edition.

Aries (3/21 - 4/19) :  In case you've been hiding under your bed with your hands over your ears, I peeked out for a minute, and here...