Monday, March 8, 2021

March 8

 Ok, here's the whining:

It bugs me when you finally do one thing from your list, an extra thing that's not the cooking or the dishes or the laundry or the bill paying or the actual job that keeps us in kibbles and high-speed internet.  Maybe, for example, you order wetland boots from the internet, for example, and that seems reasonable because you're a wetland biologist and have been wearing leaky boots for a year, boots that you've repaired a few times but they keep leaking, probably because of the bunion.  And yes, we do call the bunion Paul. Paul is hard on the boots.  

Anyway, you order the boots and they're the exact same brand and size, but they arrive and they're tiny.  And Paul looks at them and laughs, HAR HAR HAR no way are we going to fit into that boot. 

So the chore that you checked off now becomes three more chores:  figure out how to return, return, verify that they got there and the charge was reversed, order again.  And it's like that all over the place.  You sweep and then drop crumbs.  You call to cancel the land line and it takes an hour on hold and then they won't let you cancel.  And on and on until the days, the long rainy days are filled up with this stuff.  And that's why we wear leaky boots and pay $90 a month for a land line so that the spam calls can interrupt my naps.

And here's the good thing.

Spring is coming.  Indian plum is flowering down in the valley; not up here yet but soon.  Crocuses are popping up.  I know, spring, such a cliched thing.  But truly.  It is a pretty good thing, when the earth spins and tilts and things get a little bit warmer and little bit flowery and full of babies.


  1. Hello, dear girl! I am so glad to see you here again. I have missed your words.
    I think you have nailed exactly why I try not to do any of the extra things. They always lead to more work and/or a sense of failure.
    Today I was going to try to rid a tiny bit of my house of mildew. Instead I went outside and trimmed sago palms and that led to nothing else and I have a sense of accomplishment although in truth, no one in this whole world cares if my sago palms are trimmed, not even me, really, but oh well. This is not an extra thing. It's just a yard work thing which is like cooking- always there to do. You know. Besides, it is beyond beautiful outside today and a sin to stay in.

    1. Yes, yard "work" is always just a good way to pretend to have a purpose outside. I think spending time with sago palms is probably one of the best things we can do with our life. And you could be a sago palm reader! And charge a fortune to tell a fortune! Love to you and yours.

  2. I like McNett's Seam Grip for rubber boot repair better than Shoe Goo and whatnot.

    Sorry about Paul. I know that struggle. Was lucky and broke my foot and they repaired my bunion with the rest of it.

    Hope you get some great boots that keep you cozy and get to do great things, like being a wetland biologist, for example! :D

    1. I will look into McNetts, thanks for the tip! And thanks for reading. :-)

  3. How can they NOT let you cancel? It's a service you don't want. Can you at least cut service back to dial tone only with no other add ons? We had that in Bellevue for my brother and it was pretty cheap. Once he moved on, we did cancel it.

    1. You have to make an appointment to cancel and they didn't have any openings and I'm so tired of it all that I just gave up. But I'm thinking that if I stop paying the bill they'll probably cancel it, right?

  4. What would Spring be without leaky boots on a bogtrotter such as yourself?

    1. That made me laugh out loud! (I will never use the abbreviated form of that, because it seems insincere. I'm pretty sure those people who abbreviate aren't really laughing out loud, but I was.)

  5. Hm, every day? That’s a lot of posts.
    But thinking of good things every day would be good indeed, bad things not so much, although, at the moment, there’s no shortage of them.

    I like your blog.

    1. Thank you! Yeah, I guess the point is to actually notice a really good thing each day and write it down. We'll see if I can keep it up....


Horoscopes: The boycott edition.

Aries (3/21 - 4/19) :  In case you've been hiding under your bed with your hands over your ears, I peeked out for a minute, and here...