Monday, January 25, 2016

Advice Column, The Podcast

Well, we're trying something new today.  My son, Riley, is learning about editing sound and recording humans and so on.  So, we've been recording our typical advice column discussion.  Here's the first one, just to try it out.  It might be too much blah blah blah, and I trust that you'll let us know.  Enjoy.


  1. It was nice tohear your voices and most excellent sound work Riley. I must say that being in a work situation that most people spend 50% of their time complaining... I tend to try to redirect, but Betsy I know you will understand and not judge my occasional impatience with humans...again so excellent to hear your voices!

    1. Of course I wouldn't judge you, Daphne. The humans.

  2. My son does what your son is doing. My son does it for a living for a major network. I do not like that he rarely sees the sun, but he does have a fun job.

  3. Actually, I'm still thinking about your past post and 'working from home' which is what I am doing RIGHT NOW. This includes looking repetitively at my various bank account balances and fretting, sweeping the entire house, telling the dog to stop barking at...whatever the dog barks at, calling my chiropractor every five minutes in the vain hope that they will answer, and contemplating going for a run in the rain, in order to clear my head for the real work of the day which is, um, I forget.

    See how that works. Easy!

    XXX Beth

    1. Exactly!! This comment is causing me to head off on some research about dogs and what they bark at...

  4. Oh my goodness. I just listened to the whole podcast with music from a different website playing in the background. It was this kind of gentle exploration music, like maybe you'd hear on a national geographic special while they're going up the Amazon? It was a bit too loud in comparison to your voices, and went on through the duration of the podcast without fading in or out or anything. It seemed SO unlikely that it was music you two would have chosen, and I'm relieved that it wasn't! And also concerned that I didn't figure it out sooner...Loved hearing your voices!

  5. So nice to hear you and your son having an interesting and intelligent discussion on helping friends ... your son sounds like a kind and thoughtful person, Betsy. Like mother, like son.

    1. Aww, thanks Jennio! Thanks for listening and for your kind words.


Goodbye, Jasmine

Jasmine Cavendish Palmer, 9/1/15 – 11/26/24 , was a beautiful yellow lab with white markings behind her shoulders and a pink nose.  She beca...